Monday, February 11, 2013

Can I Be Pavel Andreievich Chekov?

With the second semester in full swing now, I've found very few opportunities to blog. I'm still working vehemently on the 2013 Reading Challenge, although I did have to switch books due to some changes (just a heads up the next review will be on Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan). Many of my professors in the J-School would find my lack of blogging as being lazy, but I just call it being busy with class, internship, projects and work. This semester has a smaller class load, but way more work outside of the classroom. Maybe. I need to check on that.

Anyway, with the added work hours and the internship that I am participating in, I try to find time to spend with my friends and roommates. Recently we all started watching Breaking Bad together on Netflix, starting from season one. Other activities we do together include cooking dinners together, going to Taco Bell and McDonalds (conveniently placed near our abode) and playing video games together. This last option took on a fun, new form tonight that I felt would be a great way to spring back into the blogosphere.

This turn of events came in the shape of an iPhone app called Spaceteam. The app was realeased Nov. 29, 2012, by Sleeping Beast Games according to this website. It is a cooperative party game where 2 to 4 people sit on their iPhones and scream nonsense words at each other. Each player is randomly assigned a panel with buttons, switches, dials and knobs on them. Each player must follow instructions that are meant to move the team on to the next sector. The instructions are time sensitive, and the best twist of all, the instructions are sent to your teammates so there is quite a bit of shouting out orders. The entire time you're playing the game the ship is falling apart, and space anomalies such as thermal storms, asteroids, and wormholes make it harder to follow the instructions being shouted at you.

Once you think the game is easy it gives you crazy words to shout out.
 Photo courtesy of Apple, via Google Images. 
One of my roommates found out about this app from a Podcast that he listens to regularly and told the rest of us to download it and that we would be playing it later in the evening. We were all curious as to what the game was even about, but we downloaded and waited to get back to our apartment in order to try it out. Right before we started playing we asked what the game was about and he said, "It's like Star Trek. We each get a panel and we have to fly a ship."

I immediately asked if I could be Chekov. Or Scotty. But mainly, I wanted to be Chekov. I mean come on, Chekov is awesome. He's a pretty sweet pilot And who wouldn't want to have that great, Russian accent?
How can you not want to be him?
Courtesy of Wikepedia via Google Images
Anyway, after we worked out the debacles with the Wifi and the Bluetooth, we all joined in on the Spaceteam fun. Our living room was filled with shouts of, "set shiftcrane to 1," "activate zeta-rack," and one of my favorites, "cancel subscriptions." There were also times when iPhones were vigorously shook to avoid asteroids, and even moments where we had to flip upside down so as to not be sucked into a wormhole.

The wormholes make your screen go all wonky so you better flip.
Photo courtesy of the wonderful and amazing Chelsea Kim.
Our team was only able to make it to Sector 8 before our ship burst into flames from the expanding star that we were attempting to outrun. This app was some of the most fun I've had playing a game on my iPhone. Even more so than the "critically acclaimed" Temple Run. The game gets stressful as you move on through the sectors due to the fact that your time grows shorter and the commands start to come in faster. But even with everyone shouting orders and instructions at the same time and no one truly knowing what is going on in the game, we were able to pull it together and get through seven minutes of the game. SEVEN INTENSE MINUTES.

Seven minutes was the longest time we clocked as a team of four tonight.

I would definitely recommend this app for any group of friends looking for a fun way to spend an hour or two, especially on a weekday when movies, Netflix and homework aren't sufficient enough distractions. Not to mention it's free so that's an added bonus. Be ready to scream at your friends and recite crazy, technobabble that will make absolutely no sense!

Just a hint, if you play with two people, it's a lot less intense since you won't have three people barking instructions at you, but it feels more like a dialogue between two pilots in the middle of the Bermuda triangle when the plane is about to go down. But I highly recommend playing in a group of four, since this is way more fun and intense (and slightly stressful when you get to higher sectors) but it's all for a good time.

Enjoy it! And play where you can be loud (my friends and I talked about how funny it would be if a group played during a lecture and were shouting instructions over the professor. Easy way to get kicked out of class) otherwise you may encounter some problems with the flux oscillator.

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