Monday, September 9, 2013

Comic Book Day: September 4 Comic Book Reviews

So the fact that I haven't updated my personal reviews in a long time is mainly because I have been incredibly busy with keeping up with my new semester. Not to mention the fact that I am working on two separate publications again, because I didn't learn anything from experience. Needless to say I have been very busy, and as a result my personal blogging has gone down the toilet.

So let's talk comics! Infinity and Battle of the Atom are fully underway at Marvel, Image is producing some great indie comics at the moment, and Dark Horse release the first issue of the new The Star Wars, which I'll be talking about shortly. Frankly the past few weeks have been a pretty good time for comics that are being published. On the other hand, DC editorial has been gaining some news and not in a good way. I may go more in depth on that later, but for now... REVIEWS!

As always, full spoiler warning ahead! 

Infinity #2 

Infinity #2 cover by
Adam Kubert
photo courtesy of
Infinity is Marvel's cosmic and superhero event that is living up to the expectations. Jonathon Hickman has been providing plenty of action and drama to keep me engaged. One thing that seems to be pretty crucial to the story is picking up Avengers and New Avengers on the side. I've noticed that without picking up these tie-in titles, it could be pretty difficult to pick up the full story that Hickman is trying to tell. But if you haven't picked those up, the event series has been pretty great as well. Hickman's dramatic narration lends an air of urgency to the book, amping up the action. Hickman has a great pace going throughout the book as well. While there hasn't been one character to focus on yet, Hickman uses the cast of characters extremely well, wielding them masterfully to tell the story. The most intriguing part of the story for myself is the role of the Inhumans, especially because of the teasers to Inhumanity that Marvel has been giving, we can speculate that Black Bolt and his people will be playing a larger role in the story still to come. The art for the book has been great as well. While it was sad to see Jim Cheung leave the event after only one issue, we are still given a sense of continuity with the return of Jerome Opena and Dustin Weaver who have been working with Hickman on the Avengers series. The two artists compliment each other well, using more subdued shading to emphasize the drama of the story, but maintaining the clean, clear lines that bring a sense of solidity to the book. In all, this event is living up to the expectations and I look forward to seeing what comes next.

Verdict: 8/10. Things are getting heated in the Avengers' world. I can't wait to see how they handle it.

The Star Wars #1 

The Star Wars #1 cover by
Nick Runge
photo courtesy of
If you weren't peeing yourself with excitement over the release of this comic, you must have been living under a rock for the past few months. I kid, of course, but this book is a Star Wars geek's biggest dream come true. The Star Wars is a comic book adaptation of George Lucas' original screenplay before we were given the iconic movie saga we know today. Written by J.W. Rinzler, the story is familiar yet completely foreign. Here is a universe that we know and love, that is almost a complete 180 degree flip from the movie. Annikin Starkiller is the main hero, Luke Skywalker is an old Jedi General and the Jedi were once the Emperor's personal bodyguards, not the intergalactic order they have come to be. It's incredibly interesting to see characters and objects begin as something entirely different than what their role becomes in the movies. Rinzler does a fantastic job at grounding this universe away from the Star Wars one that we know. He makes it clear that this is a different universe, a different set of rules, and he does it perfectly. The book looks gorgeous too. It has a simple design that leaves the panels clean and with little bleed over into other panels. There is little distraction from the incredibly detailed scenery that Mike Mayhew is creating. The shading and colors work so well together with the pencils that each panel looks like an oil painting coming to life. This was an incredibly strong first issue, and I can't wait to see what comes from the rest of this mini-series.

Verdict: 9.5/10. The wait for the next book will be a long. May the Force be with us while we wait.

Quantum & Woody #3 

Quantum & Woody #3 cover by
Tom Fowler
photo courtesy of
If you are looking for a comic book that will make you laugh and guffaw at the complete lack of political correctness, look no further. Quantum & Woody is a hilarious romp into the world of would-be superheroes. In this issue we see Quantum and Woody come face-to-face with the Nightmare Brigade. This issue finally brings us full circle to where we first meet the duo, as we see why they decide to plummet to the street from the 20th story window. This comic is very aware of what it does with the characters and dialogue, and they embrace it completely. If James Asmus was writing this story without fully engaging with its irreverence, then the entire book would be in bad taste. But Asmus takes what he's got and runs with it, causing this superhero duo to be a train wreck that you just can't look away from. Asmus does a great way of intertwining the humor of the book with the action, and doesn't sacrifice the story for a few laughs. Not only is this book funny, but it looks pretty damn great. The style is a little edgier, giving the book a nice indie flare. Tom Fowler doesn't use much shading, which is good for a book with a more humorous tone, as there isn't much need for extremely dramatic shading. The panels have great detail that makes them dynamic to look at. This book is engaging, from the story to the art. It really is the tale of the worst superhero team that has ever existed and I can't get enough of it.

Verdict: 9/10. This book is fun to read, and it does a good job of being completely un-politically correct. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Comic Book Day: August 6 Comic Book Reviews

Happy Comic Book day to everyone! This week I will not be posting any personal reviews because none of the books I'm currently reading had new issues and I mainly focused on catching up on old issues. I do have some reviews coming out on, though, which include Quantum & Woody #2Sidekick #1 and Robocop: Last Stand #1.

Next week, be on the look out for my reviews of Marvel's Infinity #1 and Hawkeye #13! Speaking of, the big, new event for Marvel is starting on my birthday next week! That's right, my birthday is going to be the next Comic Book Day. I feel as though it was meant to be. Anyway, this event should prove to be an interesting one and will feature many of the Marvel Universe's loveable misfits such as Thanos, the Avengers, and the Guardians of the Galaxy.

 Marvel is really playing up the hype for this event, and I'm about to binge read all of the Thanos and Infinity Gauntlet story arcs on Marvel Unlimited this coming weekend. Since I am now finished with writing for Vox Magazine as well, I feel that doing nothing but comic book reading is an appropriate use of my first, and only weekend in my short lived summer vacation.

Short blog post this week since there wasn't anything actually worth saying. So this is basically a waste of blog space, if that were a thing.

Enjoy your new comic books this week!

Friday, August 2, 2013

My Blog Needs More Comic Book Stuff: A List of Current Series I Follow

While you may be able to guess what books I'm following diligently from the weekly reviews that I try to put up, I've never formally announced what series I actually am reading. So I thought I would put together a short list of all the books I'm reading and that I am trying to catch up on! For any of my readers who don't really read comic books but want to get into the comic book world, picking up any of the #1 issues for these books would probably be a good starting point, especially if you want to get into the Marvel Universe, since I am a HUGE Marvel fan.

Here is what I am currently caught up with and reading on a consistent basis: 

  • Young Avengers by Keiron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie 
  • Captain Marvel by Kelly Sue DeConnick and various artists 
  • X-Men Vol. 4 by Brian Wood and Olivier Copiel 
  • Guardians of the Galaxy by Brian Michael Bendis and various artists
  • Hawkeye by Matt Fraction and David Aja
  • Captain Ultimate by Joey Esposito, Benjamin Bailey, and Boykoesh
And here are the series that I am working on catching up with: 
  • Avengers by Jonathan Hickman and Jerome Opena
  • Adventure Time by Ryan North, Aaron Renier, Braden Lamb, and Shelli Paroline
  • FF Vol. 2 by Matt Fraction and Mike Alfred
  • Nova by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness 
  • Uncanny Avengers by Rick Remender and John Cassady 
OK so I never realized how many series I am actually reading until I wrote them all down. Thankfully they don't all come out in the same week so I'm not shoveling piles of money into Marvel's bank account. And to think I want to find even more series to read! 

Comic Book Day: July 31 Comic Book Reviews

So apparently I'm too lazy to actually write my reviews when I say that I am going to. I completely skipped last week's review of Hawkeye Annual #1 and I forgot to even attempt in getting it up this week. So this is an apology to any readers who were looking for my reviews last week.


Since I didn't announce it last week because I goofed, I'll make the announcement this week. I will now be writing reviews for! I'm pretty excited to be working with this group of people and I look forward to sharing my reviews with more people than I would normally be able to. I'll be reviewing several of my current series for the website as well as some surprise series along the way. For this week's pull you can find my Captain Marvel #14 review on the website. You can also find my reviews from last week for Young Avengers #8 and Tomorrowland #1 there too! But on to the rest!


Guardians of the Galaxy #5

Guardians of the Galaxy #5 cover by
Sara Pichelli & Justin Ponsor
Image courtesy of
The latest issue of Guardians introduces a new adversary for the galactic group of vigilantes and is beginning to show some of the rippling effects from the conclusion of the Age of Ultron. Peter Quill seeks help to find out why he is able to feel the break in reality that resulted from AoU. Bendis is handing out some solid writing in this issue, creating a sense of mystery around Peter. After some of the more explosive issues we've been seeing, the search for answers behind what is going on is a nice break that doesn't make the book feel stagnant. One thing I wish Bendis would focus a little more on is the characterization of the rest of the characters. We've seen plenty of Peter Quill, Stark and Gamora. I want more of Drax and Rocket and Groot. Drax is lucky if he gets a page to himself in these issues, even though he has the potential to be a really interesting character. Sara Pichelli has provided some good art throughout the books, complimenting the writing from Bendis. Her lines are a bit more angular, and more severe when it comes to the characters, but this actually works with the solid feel of the book. The final scene between Peter Quill and Thanos sets the next issue up for some really interesting answers to the questions that Bendis is asking throughout this issue. With the reintroduction of the Mad Titan I'm also intrigued to see how the events from Guardians of the Galaxy will tie into the Infinity event that is coming later this month. (FUN FACT: Infinity's first issue comes out on my birthday).

Verdict: 7 out of 10. Bendis and Pichelli have been giving us some good stuff, but I'm still waiting to see the great stuff.

X-Men #3 

X-Men #3 cover by
Olivier Copiel & Laura Martin
Image courtesy of Marvel Wiki
This latest issue of X-Men is the wrap-up issue of the opening arc for this adjective-less X-title. With the limitations of a short arc and the stopping point of last issue, Brian Wood finished on a definite strong note. While there are still many questions to be answered, their are definitely hints at the end of the book that the next few issues to come will give us what we're looking for. This book did feel a little disjointed because of the page hopping from Storm and her team in Budapest and Kitty Pryde at the school trying to stop the Danger Room from destroying everyone. Even though they were connected by Arkea, the two stories didn't mesh well together. Wood makes up for the script, once again, through the characters. The x-team that is not an x-team works really well together, it's fun to imagine what they could potentially accomplish in coming issues. Olivier Copiel's art once again knocks this book out of the park. Every panel is visceral, gritty and exciting. Copiel has a knack for taking these characters and making their emotions and actions pop off the page and into your head. This creative duo has given us some very exciting stuff and together I think they can bring this book to the top of the x-titles that Marvel is putting out right now. With the Battle of the Atom event coming up in September, it will be interesting to see what tie ins we get from this duo and how the events from this book will play a role in that story, if they will at all.

Verdict: 7.5 out of 10. A nice, neat wrap up that leaves me asking for more answers and action. I'm definitely looking for the next issue this month.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Comic Book Day: July 17 Comic Book Reviews

For me, this week has been smaller than the past few weeks. In more ways than just the new comics I picked up. Things are starting to slow down for me a little and since this summer has been busy and hectic, I am welcoming the chance to sit down and take a look at new titles that I have been meaning to read. As well as Young Avengers, Hawkeye, Captain Marvel and X-Men I have since added Guardians of the Galaxy, and East of West to my weekly pulls. I definitely look forward to reading more of these series as they come out, This week's reviews features a new title as well, at least new for me. So without further ado, let's get to it!

Warning: Potential Spoilers Ahead.

Avengers Assemble #17 

Avengers Assemble #17 cover by
Joe Quinones
Image courtesy of Marvel Wiki
This Avengers Assemble brings readers part 4 of The Enemy Within event happening across Captain Marvel and Avengers Assemble. I don't quite understand why an event surrounding one character (Captain Marvel) is spread out over three different books but that's just me complaining about nothing. One thing that Kelly Sue DeConnick has done masterfully over this current arc has been to create Carol Danvers as an "unreliable narrator," of sorts. No where is this seen more than in this book, when Carol even asks herself if the conflict with this mysterious enemy (I won't give it away) is all in her head. With the other instances throughout the books, like things disappearing and appearing out of nowhere, I found myself questioning the validity of Carol's mental state as the main character. DeConnick really has done a wonderful job in sowing those seeds of doubt in the reader, making you think that this could all be for nothing. Matteo Buffagni's art really does add to the book as well. His characters seem to be popping off the page, and I absolutely love the page design and layout. Buffagni brings an energy to the characters that feels as though it's lifting off the page and finding a home inside your brain. My personal favorite panel from this book was the team up with Captain Marvel and Captain America. Buffagni really captures the bad ass feeling of these two heroes teaming up in the middle of New York just the way that we wanted to see it.

Verdict: 7.5 out of 10. DeConnick and Buffagni are packing this crossover event with some really good stuff. Definitely looking forward to reading the finale.

That's really it for comic book reviews for this week. I'm trying to catch up on some series that I left in the dust and want to start reading again. Hopefully I'll have more next week. Also, I'll be announcing a fun surprise next Wednesday, so be on the lookout for that!