So apparently I'm too lazy to actually write my reviews when I say that I am going to. I completely skipped last week's review of
Hawkeye Annual #1 and I forgot to even attempt in getting it up this week. So this is an apology to any readers who were looking for my reviews last week.
Since I didn't announce it last week because I goofed, I'll make the announcement this week. I will now be writing reviews for! I'm pretty excited to be working with this group of people and I look forward to sharing my reviews with more people than I would normally be able to. I'll be reviewing several of my current series for the website as well as some surprise series along the way. For this week's pull you can find my
Captain Marvel #14 review on the website. You can also find my reviews from last week for
Young Avengers #8 and
Tomorrowland #1 there too! But on to the rest!
Guardians of the Galaxy #5
Guardians of the Galaxy #5 cover by
Sara Pichelli & Justin Ponsor
Image courtesy of |
The latest issue of Guardians introduces a new adversary for the galactic group of vigilantes and is beginning to show some of the rippling effects from the conclusion of the
Age of Ultron. Peter Quill seeks help to find out why he is able to feel the break in reality that resulted from AoU. Bendis is handing out some solid writing in this issue, creating a sense of mystery around Peter. After some of the more explosive issues we've been seeing, the search for answers behind what is going on is a nice break that doesn't make the book feel stagnant. One thing I wish Bendis would focus a little more on is the characterization of the rest of the characters. We've seen plenty of Peter Quill, Stark and Gamora. I want more of Drax and Rocket and Groot. Drax is lucky if he gets a page to himself in these issues, even though he has the potential to be a really interesting character. Sara Pichelli has provided some good art throughout the books, complimenting the writing from Bendis. Her lines are a bit more angular, and more severe when it comes to the characters, but this actually works with the solid feel of the book. The final scene between Peter Quill and Thanos sets the next issue up for some really interesting answers to the questions that Bendis is asking throughout this issue. With the reintroduction of the Mad Titan I'm also intrigued to see how the events from
Guardians of the Galaxy will tie into the
Infinity event that is coming later this month. (FUN FACT:
Infinity's first issue comes out on my birthday).
Verdict: 7 out of 10. Bendis and Pichelli have been giving us some good stuff, but I'm still waiting to see the
great stuff.
X-Men #3
X-Men #3 cover by Olivier Copiel & Laura Martin Image courtesy of Marvel Wiki |
This latest issue of
X-Men is the wrap-up issue of the opening arc for this adjective-less X-title. With the limitations of a short arc and the stopping point of last issue, Brian Wood finished on a definite strong note. While there are still many questions to be answered, their are definitely hints at the end of the book that the next few issues to come will give us what we're looking for. This book did feel a little disjointed because of the page hopping from Storm and her team in Budapest and Kitty Pryde at the school trying to stop the Danger Room from destroying everyone. Even though they were connected by Arkea, the two stories didn't mesh well together. Wood makes up for the script, once again, through the characters. The x-team that is not an x-team works really well together, it's fun to imagine what they could potentially accomplish in coming issues. Olivier Copiel's art once again knocks this book out of the park. Every panel is visceral, gritty and exciting. Copiel has a knack for taking these characters and making their emotions and actions pop off the page and into your head. This creative duo has given us some very exciting stuff and together I think they can bring this book to the top of the x-titles that Marvel is putting out right now. With the
Battle of the Atom event coming up in September, it will be interesting to see what tie ins we get from this duo and how the events from this book will play a role in that story, if they will at all.
Verdict: 7.5 out of 10. A nice, neat wrap up that leaves me asking for more answers and action. I'm definitely looking for the next issue this month.
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